18 setembro 2010

Quem disse que agora não há censura?

O Livro das Caras perdoou-me e repôs a minha conta, que estava suspensa desde 4ª feira.
O primeiro e-mail que recebi quando lhes pedi esclarecimentos no formulário que disponibilizam (e está em português) não augurava nada de bom:
"Hi São,
Unfortunately, Faceb00k only provides personalized user support in your region in English. Please respond to this email with a translation of your question in English, and we'll respond as soon as possible."
Ou seja, se eu não soubesse inglês, estava fecundada. Como sei um poucochinho, lá me responderam ontem:
"Hi São,
Your account was suspended because you uploaded photo content that violated Faceb00k's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. This content has been removed from the site.
After reviewing your situation, we have reactivated your account. You will now be able to log in. For technical and security reasons, Facebook cannot provide you with a description or copy of the removed content.
Please review the guidelines below to prevent your personal account from being disabled in the future:
Do not post photos that contain nudity, graphic or sexually suggestive content.
Remove any remaining photos of this kind that you have uploaded on the site (...).
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation going forward.
Thanks for your understanding,
User Operations


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