18 agosto 2012
Baralho de cartas «Le Florentin»
Estas cartas são um mimo. Quem colecciona cartas diz (e com razão) que estas «Le Florentin» são das mais bonitas que existem (e eu concordo). E tenho um destes baralhos na minha colecção. Quando vo-lo poderei mostrar ao vivo?...
Na página deste video, apresentam o autor e explicam as ilustrações de cada carta, em cada momento do video (em inglês, mas se há coisa que a malta que aqui vem domina, são as línguas):
"Paul-Émile Bécat (born 2 February 1885 -- died 1 January 1960 in Paris) was a French painter, printmaker and engraver, and was awarded first prize in the Prix de Rome in 1920. He was a student of Gabriel Ferrier and François Flameng and exhibitioned at the Salon de Paris in 1913. Returning from his travels to the Congo, Gabon, and the Sudan, he specialised from 1933 in the technique of drypoint in his erotic works. Today he is best known for his portraits of French writers, and for his erotic works.
This is a Bécat's erotic limited edition of a deck of playing cards. Titled 'Le Florentin', the deck is copyrighted 1955 by Éditions Philibert, Paris.
Credit: mydelineatedlife.blogspot.com
0:00 Frontispiece card
0:10 Joker 1: Giant jester of the Duke of Mantua, whose main duty was to keep an eye on the 'collection' of dwarves given to his master by the other princes of Europe.
0:19 Joker 2: A lady, personifying the Florentine festivities.
0:29 Ace of Diamonds: The Adventuresses
0:38 Ace of Clubs: Allegory of gold
0:48 Ace of Hearts: Allegory of Love
0:58 Ace of Spades: The poisoners
1:06 King of Clubs: The powerful Duke Leonardo, famous for his wealth and his patronage of the arts
1:26 King of Diamonds: Allegory of the soldiers
1:45 King of Hearts: King Francis I
2:04 King of Spades: Bluebeard and his wives
2:23 Queen of Clubs: Protecting and encouraging the arts
2:42 Queen of Diamonds: 'La Belle Ferronnière', favorite of King Francis I
3:01 Queen of Hearts: The lady and the rose, recurrent them of the Renaissance
3:20 Queen of Spades: Lucrecia Borgia
3:39 Jack of Clubs: Leonardo da Vinci, surrounded by the beauties he made immortal
3:58 Jack of Diamonds: The messenger of love
4:17 Jack of Hearts: The lovers of Verona
4:36 Jack of Spades: Machiavelli
4:55 The backside of all the cards
Music by Edward Ka-Spel,'Film of the Book (The Forgotten Version)'"