Poeta visionária e activista da contra-cultura, Lenore Kandel (1932-2009) é associada à "Beat Generation". Jack Kerouac imortalizou-a no seu romance Big Sur (1962) na personagem Romana Swartz. Publicou dois livros de poesia: Word Alchemy (1967) e The Love Book (1966). Kandel denominou os seus versos de erótica sagrada. Quando questionada se era religiosa, respondeu "Yes, and everyone who makes love is religious."
O seu poema "To Fuck with Love", provocou grande polémica e foi censurado. Constitui a sua afirmação mais dramática acerca da ligação entre o amor, o êxtase e a iluminação do espírito.
…the tongue between my legs spreading my thighs to screams
and I burst I burst I burst
…my god the worship that it is to fuck!
(...)I am the god-animal, the mindless cuntdeity, the he-god animal
is over me, through me we are become one total angel
united in fire united in semen and sweat united in lovescream
sacred are our acts and our actions
sacred are our parts and our persons
to fuck with love
to love with all the heat and wild of fuck
…leaving me pure burned into oblivion
…SCREAMING DELIGHT over the entire universe
and beyond
…the energy
almost unbearable
(excertos de "To Fuck With Love")
“Love-Lust Poem,” (World Alchemy) celebra a expressão extática do amor.
I want to fuck you
I want to fuck you all the parts and places
I want you all of me
…I am not sure where I leave off, where you begin
is there a difference, here in the soft permeable membranes
…and the taste of your mouth is of me
and the taste of my mouth is of you
and moaning mouth to mouth
…I want you to explode that hot spurt of pleasure inside me
and I want to lie there with you
smelling the good smell of fuck that’s all over us
and you kiss me with that aching sweetness
and there is no end to love
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